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The effects of lactic acid bacteria

Effect 5: Nano-type Lactic Acid Bacteria® nEF improves constipation

Constipation is a common problem especially among women, but it has been found that nano-type lactic acid bacteria® nEF has the effect of improving constipation.

Effect of nano-type Lactobacillus® nEF on constipation improvement in human subjects



Exam Content

Fifteen Japanese women who tended to suffer from constipation were given 200 mg of nEF per day, and the effects on bowel movements and intestinal flora were examined.



Test results

The constipation state was evaluated using the Constipation Assessment Scale (CAS-MT) before and one week after nEF intake. A higher CAS-MT value indicates a more constipated state. The test results showed that the average CAS-MT value one week after nEF intake compared to before intake decreased by 66.7% (7.6 ⇒ 2.5), indicating that nEF intake improved bowel movements. A significant difference was also observed in the CAS-MT values before and after intake (Figures 1 and 2).

Figure 1: Changes in CAS-MT in each subject before and after nEF intake

Figure 1 Changes in CAS-MT in each subject before and after nEF intake

Figure 2 Average CAS-MT values before and after nEF intake

Figure 2 CAS-MT average values before and after nEF intake




A human nEF intake study suggested that nEF intake was effective in improving constipation.
The results of physical measurements, physicochemical tests, urine tests, and peripheral blood tests conducted in this study before and one week after intake showed no medically problematic changes associated with nEF intake, confirming the safety of nEF intake.

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